Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Volutpat orci cursus amet quis vel pulvinar taciti. Et dignissim auctor semper nibh ante. Lectus maximus aliquet ultrices ultrices erat massa. Fringilla sagittis suscipit magna, sociosqu gravida amet. Eleifend urna dictumst penatibus; arcu sit pretium torquent lobortis. Nunc vulputate scelerisque commodo dui id. Mus sagittis pharetra torquent blandit aliquet dui quam.
Molestie duis volutpat dolor erat morbi est gravida inceptos duis. Morbi sem laoreet aenean ipsum faucibus pulvinar duis. Ad suspendisse lobortis; faucibus natoque sit adipiscing mauris posuere. Suspendisse sed aptent; felis quam sodales curae potenti. Massa consequat maecenas eu rutrum ac pellentesque. Etiam purus donec fusce justo; netus ultrices.
Math equations
Try inline math equation and then with block,

With caption?

_This is a caption with **bold text** and `code`._
This is a caption with bold text and
Custom width?

H2: Text with code
Thu nghiem bold text or italic text hay bold and italic same time underline text nay no xem duoc khong.
H3: Inline code code
Thu nghiem inline-code
xem the nao.
H4: Order code
- Unorder 1
- Unorder 2
- Unorder 2.1
- Unorder 2.2
- Unorder 2.2.1
- Unorder 3
- Order 1
- Order 2
- Order 2.1
- Order 2.2
- Order 2.2.1
- Order 3
Code block
Simple (not that, highlight a single line with a comment // highlight-line
at the line you wanna highlight),
a = (1, 2, 3) # tuple
x = list(a)```
a = (1, 2, 3) # tuple
x = list(a)
With numbering,
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
A long script,
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
`gatsby-remark-prismjs`, ]
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
Numbering starts at 5 and there is a very long line,
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
// Try with a very long line, with a very long line, with a very long line, with a very long line,
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: {
plugins: [
With highlighted lines,
plugins: [ {
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: { plugins: [ `gatsby-remark-prismjs`, ]
Combine highlighted lines and numbering,
plugins: [ {
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: { plugins: [ `gatsby-remark-prismjs`, ]
With title?
alert('how cool is this!');
plugins: [ {
resolve: `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
options: { plugins: [ `gatsby-remark-prismjs`, ]